Staff responsibilities:
Zoe Cope: Headteacher, Child Protection & Safeguarding, Combating Poverty & Deprivation, Health and Safety
Sian James-Faulkner: Deputy Head, Child Protection & Safeguarding, ALNCo, Standards and Curriculum, AOLE lead for Languages, Literacy and Communication, Inclusion Lead
Emma Shiland: Assistant Head - Progress Manager, Assessment and Skills, AOLE lead for Expressive Arts, Cymraeg, Bilingualism, Professional Learning Lead, Network Lead Mentor (CABAN)
Jenni Murnane: AOLE lead for Health and Wellbeing
Jodie Biddle: AOLE lead for Languages, Literacy and Communication, MAT Coordinator, Read Write Inc Leader, Forest School Practitioner
Rhys Williams: AOLE lead for Maths and Numeracy, Behaviour Management Lead, EVC Coordinator, Transition Manager
Allison James: AOLE lead for Health and Wellbeing, RSE, Healthy Schools Lead, TIS, Forest School Practitioner, School Council Lead
Hayley Jones: Nursery Manager, AOLE Lead for Expressive Arts, Humanities (RE), Parental Engagement, Entrepreneurial
Jade Morris: AOLE lead for Science and Technology, Rights Respecting Schools Lead
Sean Jones: Digital Leader, AOLE lead for Science and Technology, Parental Communication
Nikkita Williamson: AOLE Lead for Humanities, Eco Committee Lead
Lizzie Veale: AOLE lead for Expressive Arts, Fairtrade Lead, Cymraeg Campus Lead
Abi Jones: AOLE lead for Languages, Literacy and Communication
Delyn Woodhouse: Additional Learning Needs Support
Kath Evans: Health and Safety Support
Kate Adamson: Office Manager
Health Care -
There are routine visits from the school doctor, dentist and nurse. The school nurse can be contacted through school and she is happy to discuss and try and help with any child health issue. If your child becomes ill during the school day, the school will make every effort to contact you.
Child Health Issues -
The School Nurse is Alison Turton, she meets with parents to discuss health issues, usually in an afternoon over coffee. Several times a year, the Young Peoples Health Advisor holds an information session for Parents and Carers. She is based in the Abergele Clinic.