
Welcome to the Kangaroos Class Page!

The Kangaroos Class is a Reception class. We currently have 24 pupils. We like to have lots of fun and learn a range of new skills every day.

School starts at 8:45am so please make sure you arrive at school on time! Pick up time is at 3:15pm.


 Class Teacher: Miss E. Shiland

Teaching Assistant: Mrs D. Mills-Morgan


Here is some important information that you may find helpful...

  • Reading books - The children will bring a reading book home.  Please encourage your child to share their reading book with you at home, talking about the pictures and starting to read the words when they are ready.  Reading books should be returned to school every Wednesday so that they can be changed.
  • Snack - Children need to bring a healthy snack to school every day e.g. fruit or cheese. If you send your child in with grapes, please ensure they are cut in half, lengthways. The children will be given milk/water at snack time but please feel free to send in a bottle of water that they can drink it throughout the school day.
  • PE - Our PE sessions will take place every Monday. The PE day may change so please keep an eye on Seesaw and this page for updates. Please ensure that your child arrives at school wearing their PE kit and trainers. They can wear a t-shirt, jacket and shorts or jogging bottoms/ leggings for their PE sessions.
  • Homework - The children will be given a home learning challenge every Friday. These are an opportunity for children to share and extend their learning with you at home.  Please encourage your child to share their learning with their friends by bringing things in or sharing photos on Seesaw.  Your child also has access to Reading Eggs and Mathseeds online which they can use to further develop key skills at home.
  • Share Sessions - Our share sessions take place every Friday between 3.15 - 3.30pm. Please feel free to pop in for a chat if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Forest/Beach School - The children will access outdoor sessions throughout the year. I will notify you when these will take place!


Over the School Year, we will cover a variety of topics to develop our skills and knowledge as we learn about lots of exciting things! Please have a look below to find out more...


Term 1a

When I Grow Up


    Over the next 8 weeks, we will be learning about ourselves and others. Our topic is ‘When i grow up’. The children will have lots of opportunities to discuss their personal experiences, they will learn about the importance of rules and responsibilities; this will include an introduction to the Rights of the Child. At the beginning of the topic, they will focus on settling into their Reception classes, looking at how to use the different areas and the routines of the day. Then we will focus on the big questions which will incorporate learning about themselves their family, and what makes them special. The children will be re-introduced to the Brain Buddies stories and the Four Purpose Dragons. 

    • They will continue with the Numicon Scheme of work, focussing on recognising and ordering the Numicon shapes.    
    • They will be introduced to the story of "Little Charlie" as part of our "Talk for Writing" scheme. They will participate in a range of writing and talking activties that will develop their oracy, reading  and writing skills.  
    • The pupils will have the oppprtunity to work creatively with paint, pencils, malleable resources and textiles during the topic and explore musical instruments.  
    • The pupils will continue the "Jigsaw PSHE " scheme, which we use to develop the health and well being of pupils , with the first term focussing onthe importance of being a good friend, belonging to a group and how our bodies have changed as we grow.   
    • Each week we will have a Welsh lesson. For the first term we will focus on key phrases such as "Pwy wyt ti? "(what is your name?) "Sut wyt ti? " (How are you?) and how to describe the weather.      

        We will also be learning about Autumn and seasonal changes and celebrating Harvest.


    …as well as many other exciting activities!


This half term we are learning to be Healthy Confident Individuals


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In the Kangaroos Class we work hard and we always try our best. We make sure that we all know the Ysgol Glan Gele’s special words, ‘Happy and Secure as we All Learn Together’.


Welcome to the Kangaroos Class Page!

The Kangaroos Class is a Reception class. We currently have 24 pupils. We like to have lots of fun and learn a range of new skills every day.

School starts at 8:45am so please make sure you arrive at school on time! Pick up time is at 3:15pm.


 Class Teacher: Miss E. Shiland

Teaching Assistant: Mrs D. Mills-Morgan


Here is some important information that you may find helpful...

  • Reading books - The children will bring a reading book home.  Please encourage your child to share their reading book with you at home, talking about the pictures and starting to read the words when they are ready.  Reading books should be returned to school every Wednesday so that they can be changed.
  • Snack - Children need to bring a healthy snack to school every day e.g. fruit or cheese. If you send your child in with grapes, please ensure they are cut in half, lengthways. The children will be given milk/water at snack time but please feel free to send in a bottle of water that they can drink it throughout the school day.
  • PE - Our PE sessions will take place every Monday. The PE day may change so please keep an eye on Seesaw and this page for updates. Please ensure that your child arrives at school wearing their PE kit and trainers. They can wear a t-shirt, jacket and shorts or jogging bottoms/ leggings for their PE sessions.
  • Homework - The children will be given a home learning challenge every Friday. These are an opportunity for children to share and extend their learning with you at home.  Please encourage your child to share their learning with their friends by bringing things in or sharing photos on Seesaw.  Your child also has access to Reading Eggs and Mathseeds online which they can use to further develop key skills at home.
  • Share Sessions - Our share sessions take place every Friday between 3.15 - 3.30pm. Please feel free to pop in for a chat if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Forest/Beach School - The children will access outdoor sessions throughout the year. I will notify you when these will take place!


Over the School Year, we will cover a variety of topics to develop our skills and knowledge as we learn about lots of exciting things! Please have a look below to find out more...


Term 1a

When I Grow Up


    Over the next 8 weeks, we will be learning about ourselves and others. Our topic is ‘When i grow up’. The children will have lots of opportunities to discuss their personal experiences, they will learn about the importance of rules and responsibilities; this will include an introduction to the Rights of the Child. At the beginning of the topic, they will focus on settling into their Reception classes, looking at how to use the different areas and the routines of the day. Then we will focus on the big questions which will incorporate learning about themselves their family, and what makes them special. The children will be re-introduced to the Brain Buddies stories and the Four Purpose Dragons. 

    • They will continue with the Numicon Scheme of work, focussing on recognising and ordering the Numicon shapes.    
    • They will be introduced to the story of "Little Charlie" as part of our "Talk for Writing" scheme. They will participate in a range of writing and talking activties that will develop their oracy, reading  and writing skills.  
    • The pupils will have the oppprtunity to work creatively with paint, pencils, malleable resources and textiles during the topic and explore musical instruments.  
    • The pupils will continue the "Jigsaw PSHE " scheme, which we use to develop the health and well being of pupils , with the first term focussing onthe importance of being a good friend, belonging to a group and how our bodies have changed as we grow.   
    • Each week we will have a Welsh lesson. For the first term we will focus on key phrases such as "Pwy wyt ti? "(what is your name?) "Sut wyt ti? " (How are you?) and how to describe the weather.      

        We will also be learning about Autumn and seasonal changes and celebrating Harvest.


    …as well as many other exciting activities!


This half term we are learning to be Healthy Confident Individuals


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In the Kangaroos Class we work hard and we always try our best. We make sure that we all know the Ysgol Glan Gele’s special words, ‘Happy and Secure as we All Learn Together’.