
Welcome to the Squirrels Class Page!

The Squirrel Class is a Year 1 class and we currently have 24 pupils. We like to have lots of fun and learn a range of new skills every day.

School starts at 8:45am so please make sure you arrive at school on time! Pick up time is at 3:15pm.


 Class Teacher: Miss Biddle

Teaching Assistant: Miss Matthews




Here is some important information that you may find helpful...

  • Reading days - The children will have lots of opportunities to read in school.  A reading book will be sent home with your child every Friday.  Please return the book to school the following Monday so that we can change the book.  It is very important that you read with your child at home as much as possible.  Please remember to comment in the reading record when you hear your child read.  
  • Snack - You are encouraged to send a piece of fruit in for snack with your child every day. If you send your child in with grapes, please ensure that they are cut in half, length ways. The children will be given milk or water at snack time but please feel free to send in a bottle of water that they can drink throughout the school day.
  • PE - We have our PE day on a Tuesday each week. Please ensure that your child arrives to school wearing their PE kit and appropriate footwear. They can wear a t-shirt, jacket and shorts or jogging bottoms for their PE sessions.
  • Homework - The children will be given homework on a Friday. These will be simple tasks that allow you to have a better understanding of the work that we are completing in school so that you can support your child in their learning.  Please can these be returned on a Wednesday of the following week.  Sometimes homework tasks may be set online via Purple Mash, Reading Eggs or MathsSeeds.
  • Share Sessions - Miss Biddle will be available after school every Monday from 3:15 to 3:30pm.  Please just drop in if you have anything that you would like to discuss.  If this time is not convenient then please send a message on SeeSaw or contact the office to arrange a time to meet.
  • Forest/Beach School - The children will access outdoor sessions throughout the year. You will be notified when these will take place!


Over the School Year, we will cover a variety of topics to develop our skills and knowledge. We will have the opportunity to go on trips to enrich our learning experiences. 

Throughout the year we learn about lots of exciting things! Please have a look below to find out more...


Term 2a

SOS Save Our Planet

Our Big Questions are:

How can we look after the planet?

Why should we look after the planet?


Over the next 7 weeks we will be:  

·        Learning about recycling, repurposing and reusing household items.

·        Looking at the properties of items we buy in the supermarket.

·        Exploring what the term ‘decomposing’ means.

·        Making planet protector shields

·        Writing a pledge to demonstrate how we can help to save the planet.

·        Discovering what pollution is and how is occurs

·        Designing a making useful resources for the classroom.

·        Learning about what happens in a recycling centre

·        Conducting regular litter picking walks to make sure the school is tidy



We will also be…

·   Continuing with the Inspire Maths scheme of work.

·   Developing our phonics knowledge through Read Write Inc.


…as well as many other exciting activities

Term 1b

Celebrations around the world

Our Big Questions are:

What is a celebration? 

What special days do some people celebrate? 

How do people celebrate different special days? 


Over the next 7 weeks we will be:  

·   Learning about Bonfire Safety.

·   Taking part in an Immersion Day to explore different Religions and Religious celebrations.

·   Learning about Remembrance Day and visiting the Ysgol Glan Gele Garden of Remembrance.

·   Celebrating Diwali and learning about Hinduism.

·   Learning about Judaism and learning about Hannukah, the Jewish festival of light.

·   Preparing for the Christmas Nativity talking about Christianity.

·   Performing in the Year 1 Christmas concert in the Church.


We will also be…

·   Learning the story ‘Little Spark’ as part of our Talk 4 Writing sessions.

·   Continuing with the Inspire Maths scheme of work.

·   Developing our phonics knowledge through Read Write Inc.


…as well as many other exciting activities!




Term 1a

When I grow up


Our Big Questions are:

·      Who is important to me and why? 

·      What was life like in the past for children? 

·      How do my Brain Buddies help me to learn? 


Over the next 8 weeks we will be:

·      Learning about the different Brain buddies and how they can help us

·      Talking about how the Glan Gele Dragons help us

·      Finding out who is important in our lives

·      Talking about important dates to us

·      Collating data using PurpleMash

·      Learning about life in the past

·      Having a special visit from Mr and Mrs Freeman

·      Looking at the artist Picasso’s work and creating their own


We will also be…

·      Taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight

·      Engaging in activities outdoors to support our learning

·      Taking part in the Harvest Service

·      Learning about our rights and responsibilities


…as well as many other exciting activities!


In the Squirrels Class we work hard and we always try our best. We make sure that we all know the Ysgol Glan Gele’s special words, ‘Happy and Secure as we All Learn Together’.