GOVERNORS 2024 - 2025
Current governors and their committees are as follows:
Chair: Mr James Lusted (STEM, Welsh, CaBAN, New Curriculum for Wales)
Vice-Chair: Mr Peter Hughes (Maths, STEM, Health and Safety)
Community Governors: Sue Gilbert (Maths, TIS and Wellbeing), Alan Hunter (Enrichment, CaBAN), Melanie Ackers (ALN, Research & Enquiry), Jan Jones Davies (TIS and Wellbeing, ALN, Literacy)
LA Governors: Peter Hughes (Maths, STEM, Health and Safety), Charlie McCoubrey (ALN, Language, Literacy & Communication, Enrichment, Welsh), Councillor Alan Hunter
Parent Governors: Rachel Lees (Community links, Literacy, Rights Respecting Schools), Darren Caunce (RE, Rights Respecting Schools), Jessica Williams
Teacher Governors: Zoe Cope (Mathematical Development, Behaviour, Skills & Assessment, Healthy Schools), Emma Shiland (KUW, Curriculum and Progress)
Head teacher: Zoe Cope
Governors with special responsibilities:
MAT Governor - Jan Jones Davies
Clerk to the Governors: Kate Adamson
Finance/Buildings Head James Lusted (Chair) Peter Hughes Alan Hunter Darren Caunce Jessica Williams Charlie McCoubrey
Staffing and Appointments Head James Lusted (Chair) Sue Gilbert Peter Hughes Rachel Lees
Curriculum/ Policy Head Chair Emma Shiland Sue Gilbert Charlie McCoubrey
Pay and Performance Head James Lusted (Chair) Peter Hughes Sue Gilbert
Premises Committee
James Lusted (Chair)
Emma Shiland
Sue Gilbert
Discipline and Dismissal Committee Panel James Lusted (Chair) Peter Hughes Alan Hunter
Appeals Panel Alan Hunter Charlie McCoubrey Darren Caunce Jessica Williams
Redeployment Panel Head James Lusted (Chair) Alan Hunter Charlie McCoubrey
Exclusions Panel Head James Lusted (Chair) Rachel Lees Jan Jones Davies