
Welcome to the Lions Class Page!

The Lions Class is a Year 2 class and we currently have 22 pupils. We like to have lots of fun and learn a range of new skills every day.

School starts at 8:45am so please make sure you arrive at school on time! Pick up time is at 3:15pm.


 Class Teacher: Mr S. Jones

Teaching Assistant: Mrs D. Hansen


Here is some important information that you may find helpful...

  • Reading days - The children have allocated reading days, however, please ensure that you send your child's book bag in every day. You will find your child's reading day on the sticker placed on their reading record.
  • Snack - You are encouraged to send a piece of fruit in for snack with your child every day. If you send your child in with grapes, please ensure they are cut in half, lengthways. The children will be given milk/water at snack time but please feel free to send in a bottle of water that they can drink it throughout the school day.
  • PE - Our PE sessions will take place every Wednesday. The PE day will change so please keep an eye on Seesaw and this page for updates! Please ensure that your child arrives at school wearing their PE kit. They can wear a t-shirt, jacket and shorts or jogging bottoms for their PE sessions.
  • Homework - The children will be set an online challenge to complete at home each week. It is important that you support your child to complete their online learning so they can develop their skills. Your child also has access to Purple Mash, Reading Eggs or MathsSeeds where they can use the creative tools and complete challenges.
  • Share Sessions - Our share sessions take place every Wednesday between 3.15 - 3.30pm. Please feel free to pop in for a chat if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Forest/Beach Schools - The children will access outdoor sessions throughout the year. I will notify you when these will take place!


Over the School Year, we will cover a variety of topics to develop our skills and knowledge. We will have the opportunity to go on trips to enrich our learning experiences. 

Throughout the year we learn about lots of exciting things! Please have a look below to find out more...


Term 1a

All About Me


Our Big Questions are:
•    What is a growth mindset?
•    How can I improve my skills?
•    How did people live in the past?

Over the next 8 weeks we will be:
•    Using the story of ‘The Dot’ as a hook
•    Learning about different types of art and developing our skills
•    Developing our growth mindset
•    Designing our own artwork
•    Reflecting on the artwork of others
•    Creating our own art gallery
•    Finding out how our locality has changed over time
•    Expressing ourselves through music and dance 

We will also be…
•    Engaging in activities outdoors to support our learning
•    Planning the Harvest Service
•    Following the Jigsaw RSE scheme of work to learn about our rights and responsibilities
•    Talking about how the Glan Gele Dragons help us become lifelong learners


…as well as many other exciting activities!

This half term we are learning to be Ambitious Capable Learners


In the Lions Class we work hard and we always try our best. We make sure that we all know Ysgol Glan Gele’s special words,

‘Happy and Secure as we All Learn Together’.