Foundation Phase Outcomes


  • Children engage in social games initiated by older children and/or adults.
  • They respond to being calmed and show a range of basic emotions clearly.
  • They explore the environment intentionally and understand basic cause and effect.
  • Their attention moves between object and caregiver during one-to-one play.


  • Children engage with a range of one-to-one games initiated by older children and/or adults and explore activities for a short time.
  • They usually respond to regulation from a familiar adult.
  • They give different responses to caregivers and unfamiliar adults and are beginning to express a range of preferences.
  • They show an understanding of objects used in care routines.


  • Children play near other children or adults sometimes showing an interest in what they are doing. They respond appropriately to consistent boundaries.
  • They are starting to engage with a range of familiar activities, express a range of preferences simply and respond appropriately to social greetings from familiar people.
  • They are starting to help with familiar care routines.

Outcome 1

  • Children are dependent on familiar adults emotionally.
  • They have started to express in simple terms how they feel and respond to social greetings.
  • They may have a tantrum when frustrated but are learning that some behaviour is unacceptable.
  • They have begun to role play on their own or in parallel with other children, often near a familiar adult.
  • They may need assistance with everyday self-help (personal) skills but are usually keen to help.
  • They show knowledge of familiar care routines.

Outcome 2

  • Children like to help adults and peers but not when it conflicts with their interests.
  • They demonstrate affection for other children and may play with them.
  • When supported by an adult, they are willing to share toys and materials and will take turns.
  • They have become aware of their own feelings and emotions and are beginning to identify with those of others.
  • They are trying to be independent but sometimes need assistance.
  • They are beginning to develop an awareness of personal safety in particular dangerous hazards.

Outcome 3

  • Children have become more independent in their learning and are able to cope with change to routines. They recognise and are increasingly sensitive to the needs of others.
  • They are beginning to recognise appropriate behaviour for different situations and respond to reason.
  • They are beginning to understand that all living things should be treated with care, respect and concern.
  • They demonstrate some control over their emotions and will often adopt the standards of behaviour of adults that are close to them.
  • They are able to cater for most personal needs independently.

Outcome 4

  • Children will take part in cooperative play independently.
  • They increasingly show self-control and are able to wait for their needs to be met.
  • They are able to concentrate on a task and have definite likes and dislikes.
  • They support, comfort and help other children when they are sad or upset.
  • They are becoming increasingly aware of the similarities and differences between themselves and their peers, and recognise cultural differences and diversity.
  • They enjoy caring for the environment such as plants and pets.
  • They are aware of healthy eating habits and can distinguish between foods that are healthy and those that are not.

Outcome 5

  • Children associate, cooperate and communicate appropriately with peers and familiar adults and seek help when necessary.
  • They recognise and can express their feelings appropriately.
  • They respect others and value their achievements.
  • They have a clear understanding of right and wrong and are more aware of other people’s feelings, views and beliefs.
  • They have grasped the concept of fair play and have an understanding of rules and why they are there.
  • They have a greater understanding of the consequences of their actions and take responsibility for decisions that they make.
  • In the main, they are able to control their emotions and cope with disappointment.
  • They understand that to keep their bodies healthy they will need to eat and drink appropriately.