Here at Glan Gele, we have an onsite Wildlife garden which boasts a nature trail, a pond and a wild flower area, all of which are teaming with life. The children have regular access to this area and are involved with the ongoing development throughout the year. This area is used during Forest School sessions, science club, gardening club and class themed activities.
There are a variety of bug hotels that the children can use to explore and look for mini beasts as well as the pond with all its seasonal inhabitants. Children are encouraged to explore all areas with particual emphasis on respecting the natural environment. Another special feature of this area is the bird hide, equipped for them to watch, identify and monitor any visitors. The children are also responsible for ensuring the bird feeders are kept full throughout the year.
Mr Freeman, our Eco Champion, is passionate about the outdoors and works tirelessly to ensure this area is maintained and accessible throughout the year. He is always thinking of new ideas to introduce to the area. Thank you Mr Freeman!